Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be of great help to treating people who lead busy lives but feel stressed. Learn the components necessary to have a good outcome for their condition!
Learn the conditions needed to successfully help super-stressed patients using acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
Our goal at Integrative Acupuncture located in Ridgewood, NJ is to heal and help others. For more information, please visit our website at
Our goal at Integrative Acupuncture located in Ridgewood, NJ is to heal and help others. For more information, please visit our website at
Our goal at Integrative Acupuncture located in Ridgewood, NJ is to heal and help others. For more information, please visit our website at
Check out a short clip on WHATS THE DEAL WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND ANXIETY! For more information please visit us at
More and more people are discovering how acupuncture can help them alleviate their stress, without the use of medications.
I treated a woman recently with severe anxiety here is a small case study on what we did to help her.
Press seeds can be done as acupressure treatments on the go and at home. Using little seeds placed on a sticky adhesive, you can use acupressure points to keep you more relaxed. Today is my first day of a 7 day challenge to help me reduce my stress. Follow along to learn about this easy to do therapy.
Acupuncture & Chinese medicine treated a patient with anxiety, depression, and Fibromyalgia pain
Treating anxiety with acupuncture points is not simply needling "relaxation points" but also addressing the different components that lead to stress.
Sample acupuncture treatment for stress and anxiety, from your favorite acupuncturist Joshua Goldstein, Integrative Acupuncture Center Ridgewood and Bergen county NJ.