Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be of great help to treating people who lead busy lives but feel stressed. Learn the components necessary to have a good outcome for their condition!
Headaches can be very debilitating and many people are searching for alternatives for treatment!
This video delves into the role of acupuncture and the treatment strategy for different types of headaches.
Joshua Goldstein, from Integrative Acupuncture Center, Ridgewood New Jersey, explaining how Chinese herbal formulas can be combined to treat specific conditions.
Acupuncture & Chinese medicine treated a patient with anxiety, depression, and Fibromyalgia pain
Want to know what acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is all about? Learn the single most important concept about Chinese Medicine and the single most important guiding principle it emoys.
Fibromyalgia is difficult to diagnose. Find out how fibromyalgia is diagnosed from a western and an eastern perspective.
Western medicine bases it on ruling out certain conditions that mimic Fibromyalgia. Chinese Medicine divides Fibromyalgia into two types of conditions. Learn the differences here and see how Fibromyalgia conditions are diagnosed from these two different perspectives.
How acupuncture and Chinese Medicine help to enhance fertility naturally!
Many people think that people are born angry. In this unique video, we look at anger from a Chinese Medicine perspective and treatment for it.