Learn why people go to an acupuncturist, and why it is not just a treatment for pain. Joshua Goldstein, your favorite acupuncturist from Integrative Acupuncture Center, located in Ridgewood New Jersey.
Joshua Goldstein owner of Integrative Acupuncture in Ridgewood New Jersey helps tackle low energy and every day stress through this treatment. Check us out at acpunctureyes.com 201-444-7150
We take your health seriously. In this video I share the safety practices that I am taking to make sure all my patients are given the cleanest and safest environment conducive to healing in my acupuncture office.
Welcome Integrative Acupuncture and learn about our services of acupuncture, Chinese herbal program, and cupping sessions to help you with your health problems. We are located in Ridgewood, NJ and we pride ourselves on service to assist people looking to get out of pain, sleep better, have more energy, and optimize their health.