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4 Tips for treating Uterine and Ovarian Cysts
We have four powerful weapons in our arsenal that will do a number on gynecological cysts. They are acupuncture, herbology, hunger awareness training, focused deep breathing and posture retraining.
Acupuncture Helps Improve IVF Outcomes
Are you trying to get pregnant using IVF treatments? Using acupuncture is a proven way to help increase the chances of pregnancy by increasing implantation and pregnancy rates.
Acupuncture Benefits to Fertility and IVF
Acupuncture increases the number of egg follicles available for fertilization in women undergoing IVF. The journal Medical Acupuncture in 2000, Sandra Emmons, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Oregon Health Sciences University, reported that acupuncture directly impacts the number of egg follicles available for fertilization in women undergoing IVF.
Scheduling Acupuncture for IVF Support
Recent clinical research has shown that including acupuncture with IVF can improve your chances for a successful pregnancy as well as how you feel.