4 Reasons Acupuncture Helps With Pregnancy
Infertility can be an emotional roller coaster for couples trying to conceive. Couples are now turning to acupuncture as an answer to creating the family of their dreams.Infertility can be an emotional roller coaster for couples trying to conceive. Couples are now turning to acupuncture as an answer to creating the family of their dreams.Increasing Blood Flow to the Uterus and OvariesAcupuncture increases blood flow to the ovaries and uterus. Many women trying to conceive struggle with uterine artery impendence. This is a condition where blood flow is reduced to the uterus. Blood flow to the uterus is critical for the healthy conception. A study of blood flow to the uterus examined the effects of acupuncture during the drug stimulation phase of women undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Studies have shown that acupuncture can help reduce the blocked. The blood flow in the uterine artery was increased in the group of women who had acupuncture but not in the control group. More women in the acupuncture group responded to the IVF drugs than in the control group. Researchers have turned their attention to blood flow rather than just hormones as the main factor of infertility.Correcting OvulationLack of ovulation is one of the chief causes of infertility. Many women will go through a menstrual cycle without proper ovulation occurring. The egg is not released and the woman menstruates, month after month without the possibility of pregnancy. Sometimes ovulation does occur extremely early or is delayed in the cycle. This causes couples to miss the window of opportunity for conception. Ovulation is critical to pregnancy. Blood tests may show all hormones levels as within normal range. However, timing of ovulation must be just right for a pregnancy to occur. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help restore regular, consistent ovulation.Enhancing follicle qualityAs a woman ages the possibility of pregnancy decreases. As she ages, she has fewer eggs and the quality of her eggs declines. The inability to produce healthy, viable eggs often results in lower pregnancy rates as well as higher rates of miscarriage in women over the age of 35. For women over 40, getting pregnant is only half the journey. As miscarriage rates over 40 are 50% and rise quickly with each advancing year. Consistent treatments with acupuncture and Chinese medicine nourishes a woman’s follicles. Follicle nourishment can help a woman preserve the quality of her eggs, which will result in pregnancies.
Have more questions? Call for your consultation to see how acupuncture can help you. Call us at 201-444-7150, or email us at integrativeacupuncturecenter@gmail.com.