Is Acupuncture Effective for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?
Is acupuncture effective for lumbar spinal stenosis? You might have even tried acupuncture for this severe condition. You may have been told that there is nothing outside of surgery that can alleviate your pain.Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spaces within your spine, which can put pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine. Spinal stenosis occurs most often in the lower back and the neck.Can the narrowing of the spaces in the spine be opened without surgery?Targeting a muscle called the mutifidus muscle can open up the joints by freeing the space in the muscle itself.The multifidus muscle is an important stabilizer of the lumbar spine. It functions together with transverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles for spine stability. The multifidus is the deepest muscle in the back sitting deep on top of the spine. The multifidus can pushes multifidus runs along the muscle weakness and atrophy is associated with chronic low back pain.Recent studies have employed acupuncture to create space within the spine by targeting the muscle. The muscle that runs deepest to the spine is the multifidus muscle. Targeting this muscle has the effect of opening up the space between the bone and the nerve root. When your multifidus gets weak, usually due to lack of movement from pain, it atrophies and tightness.. As a result it pulls on the ligament below it which sits between the bone and it buckles inward narrowing the space. It is this space narrowing that causes the pain, the limitation and the misery that you are experiencing.Is acupuncture effective for spinal stenosis?Yes it can increase pain relieving substances by increasing blood flow to the area of the joint. By bringing endorphins and enkephalins, the pain is relieved in the area of inflammation. The acupuncture targets the nerves running out of the lumbar discs including the Lumbar 4, Lumbar5 and the first sacral bone.Additionally, the pudental nerve is targeted to increase blood flow down the leg, allowing the sciatica nerve to get more circulation and thus reduce pain radiating down the leg. The pudental nerve is found in the gluteus maximus on the side of the sacral bone. Light electro-stimulation is placed on the needles for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. This helps reduce pain on the lumbar spinal stenosisOnce the acupuncture is done, a manual hands on technique is employed where you stretch the multifidus muscle so that it elongates. When the muscle elongates along the lower back, the pressure is taken off of the lumbar area. Widening this space with the hands on massage, will free up the nerve flow and reduce that crippling pain associated with lumbar spinal stenosis.Many suffers of lumbar spinal stenosis are looking for ways to avoid the knife and the surgeries. When physical therapy, spinal decompression have failed, and even some acupuncture sessions have failed, it is time to revisit this unique acupuncture technique for help with your lumbar spinal stenosis.Are you looking for help with lumbar spinal stenosis? Why not call our experienced acupuncturist and schedule your no pressure consultation? Simply call me or email me. Call 201-444-7150 or I am never to busy to help you.Integrative Acupuncture Center is located in the west side of Ridgewood, in Bergen County, New Jersey with parking.Interested in topics like this you may want to read more here: the acupuncturist here: how Tumeric can reduce and treat lower back pain and other benefits