Turning to Acupuncture
for stress relief
Using acupuncture to relax is becoming the newest go-to for stress relief!
More and more people are turning to Acupuncture for stress relief. Sixty to ninety percent of office visits made to the doctor are stress related. Stress can cause high blood pressure, heart attacks, anxiety, depression, acid reflux, insomnia, IBS, and headache to name a few of the many conditions caused by stress. The people I work with are sick of taking common anxiety and antidepressants to treat their condition and this is why people are coming to acupuncture for stress relief. The problem is that there are many side-effects of these medications. In addition, there are STILL many symptoms that fall through the “gaps” in treatment of use of these medications. Many are still having symptoms despite conventional treatment and the number of medications you are taking, just seems to grow in size. Here’s why more and more people are turning to acupuncture for stress relief.
How does it work? Learn more below.
Acupuncture works by releasing the body’s neurotransmitters to put the body in a state of calm. The needles signal through the skin to the brain, causing the body to relax.
Many people are surprised to see their progress after several weeks of treatment. Of course, acupuncture has an immediate effect on the body and can bring you to levels of calm that you never thought possible. However, the most profound effects occur after several weeks of treatments and helps the nervous system restore its natural relaxation response again. The relaxation response tends to get frayed and disintegrate as the stresses of daily living take its toll on the body. “Toning” your nervous system to recapture and restore the relaxation response is where the magic occurs and becomes more “toned” as your nervous system. You might see subtle signs of not “flying off of the handle" as much, being calmer during your working hours, or coming down from stress quicker than you used to. It trains the body to relax deeper, just as day-to-day stress causes you to spiral higher and higher into anxiousness or your stress-related conditions.
When I see people coming in for anxiety and stress treatments, I will ask where that person holds the most stress. Most likely it is in the shoulders, neck, glutes or jaw. If I target a painful area along with the stress treatment, I get better results because everything is connected. Clearing tight areas help me to get the person to relax better, both physically and mentally.
Aging occurs when blood flow to an organ becomes sluggish, absent or inflamed. We tend to understand this when it comes to heart function and the risk of stroke and cholesterol. But this can happen to other organs in your body. Somewhere in your body, there are one or more organs that are either too hyper or too weak. Typically in a “healthy” person there are one or more organs that are not functioning optimally. Stress of daily living, poor diet, poor sleeping habits for example, drives the body to work very hard and eventually slows down from exhaustion. This stress response can always be traced back to an organ system not working well. Some organs get weak while others get hyperactive and others get totally blocked and sluggish. What this means is that there is a lot NOT going on properly with blood flow oxygenating organ function. This in turn causes you to feel more stressed, more tired, and more burned out. Here’s why no one gets this concept! People think organ function and they think you need surgery. But there is a second way of understanding this. As we age, blood flow gets worse! If blood flow gets worse, then your body gets less blood flow to the organs. It is the organs that are on the receiving end of all of this necessary blood flow. Less and less blood flow over years may not cause any “major health” problems, but it is subtle and insidious. This is when you really feel your “age” and that you can’t do what you did when you were younger. Culture calls this “getting old” Chinese medicine says “wait this is poor blood flow”. So if you enhance blood flow to specific organs that are weak, then you can “rehab” the organ system and its functioning appropriate for your age.
Treating the cause of the anxiety yields better results than just doing symptomatic treatment: In addition to treating the stress symptoms, acupuncturists’ try to find out what your “pattern of disharmony” is. Treating the organ dysfunction with acupuncture, supplements, herbs, and diet and lifestyle is critical for making any lasting changes to the condition. This is truly how we can make a big difference in the lives of many people that I’ve seen throughout the years.
A Case Study: Andres
Andres and His Stress
Here is a typical case that I’ve seen just this summer that shows how people are turning to acupuncture for stress relief. Andres is a 34-year-old man. He actually came to me because his wife, who is carrying their first baby, called to get him help. He needed help with his stress levels. His wife, who is expecting their first child. He confided in me that he had zero energy after stepping outside of work. He is a manager and supervises a whole division and he felt the physical and mental effects of brain and body drain. He also told me that his heart races while the demands and problems at work start to pile up. He told me that he tosses and turns all night long due to his inability to fall asleep despite feeling tired. He told me that he wanted to reduce his anxiety, increase his energy, and stop feeling so tired all the time. He wanted to spend some quality time with his wife and was worried he wouldn’t be able to keep up with his newborn child! I used acupuncture to calm his nervous system down so he wasn’t so jittery. I used herbal formulas to help him relax again and gave him some vitamin suggestions to stabilize his energy. He also was given dietary advice on how a few simple changes to his diet could reduce his stress levels.
Two months later, Andres couldn’t believe how GOOD he felt again! He had his anxiety levels reduced to only 15 percent. He felt more energy after work, and actually looked forward to getting out with his wife and he even had enough energy to help organize a baby naming party for their child to come. Best of all he didn’t feel like he was so stressed all of the time! He could come down from the work day easily, with the ability to get restorative sleep again.
Stop Living Life with No Gas in the Tank!
If you think this is unthinkable, Andres results are typically what I see day in and day out for people who follow up with the recommendations and follow up with appropriate treatment.
If you are too stressed out to even think that you can ever relax again, then you are definitely stressed out. What are the consequences for you if you don’t get your anxiety under control? When you feel depleted, you cannot have enough energy to function and you start to break down mentally. This occurs slowly, over time. Can you relax enough to have some fun again? Well then it is time to get checked and treated. We design personalized programs based on your needs, not in a one-size-fits-all fashion. Find out why people are turning to acupuncture and Chinese medicine for stress relief.
Call now to get a consultation, where we will outline your specific concerns. If interested in help, I can make gentle, no pressure recommendations to help you start feeling better.
Call 201-444-7150, or email me at My office is located at 69 West Ridgewood Avenue in Ridgewood, NJ.
I look forward to hearing from you and helping you!
Common Queries
Is Acupuncture Effective for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?
Is acupuncture effective for lumbar spinal stenosis? You might have even tried acupuncture for this severe condition. You may have been told that there is nothing outside of surgery that can alleviate your pain.
Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spaces within your spine, which can put pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine. Spinal stenosis occurs most often in the lower back and the neck.
Can the narrowing of the spaces in the spine be opened without surgery? Targeting a muscle called the mutifidus muscle we can attempt to “buff” out the muscle to free up space for the nerve exiting the spine.
The multifidus muscle is an important stabilizer of the lumbar spine. It functions together with transverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles for spine stability. The multifidus is the deepest muscle in the back sitting deep on top of the spine. The multifidus muscle runs along the inside of the spinal cord and if it is pressing on the nerve as a result of the spinal compression, it will continue to cause pain and atrophy of the nerve with associated weakness in the affected leg.
Recent studies have employed acupuncture to create space within the spine by targeting the muscle. The muscle that runs deepest to the spine is the multifidus muscle. Targeting this muscle has the effect of opening up the space between the bone and the nerve root. When your multifidus gets weak, usually due to lack of movement from pain, it atrophies and holds this tightness in the lower back. As a result it pulls on the ligament below it which sits between the bone and it buckles inward, narrowing the space in the spine further. It is this narrowing that causes the pain, the limitation and the misery that you are experiencing.
Is Acupuncture Effective with Infertility?
40% of infertility is unexplained. Labeled “iatrogenic”, it means they can’t figure out what is going on!
In this case, acupuncture and Chinese medicine can really help fertility by:
Helping stimulate ovulation.
Helping enhance the blood flow to the uterus to ensure better functioning of the uterus and ovaries. Blood circulation is not really considered when treating the uterus to make it more hospitable for implantation and conception.
Helping stimulate the sex hormones that are needed to support the pregnancy.
Helping improve egg quality so that there are viable eggs to be fertilized.
Chinese medicine can support women who are trying to get pregnant naturally or through assisted reproductive therapy treatments.
Reducing Anxiety Improves Fertility:
In yet another study, women who received acupuncture for fertility, were able to reduce their stress levels. This in turn, turned the tide towards improving the chances of fertility.
Chinese medicine is very helpful for cases where nothing else is working. Working with your practitioner for several months is critical in restoring what is being missed so as to enhance your fertility.
Can Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Help Calm Your Anxiety and Stress?
Yes. Acupuncture releases endorphins in the body, at higher levels than normal, which can help you feel more relaxed and leave stress behind you.
Acupuncture stimulates the rest-and-digest part of your body to counteract the fight-or flight response so you can relax better.
Acupuncture releases tightness in the muscles, particularly in the neck and shoulders, which are a storehouse of tension.
Acupuncture also relaxes the digestive system. Since the lining of the digestive system is made of smooth muscle, it can cause your digestive system to release tension it may be holding in the stomach lining, in the small and large intestine. This also enhances the relaxation response in your body.
Acupuncture stimulates more blood flow to the heart and head. This action increases oxygenated blood into your brain helping you relax further.
Chinese herbs can help deal with stress, anxiety, depression by restoring blood flow to poorly circulating organs. This in turn frees up more oxygenated blood to your heart and head. As we age, blood flow starts to get more sluggish. Chinese herbs can help enhance blood flow to specific organs to help you maintain your relaxed state by improving blood flow throughout the body. Formulas are crafted to your specific needs to support your body’s unique challenges. They can be a great “take home” treatment that you can administer to better your stress on a daily basis.
“Incredibly knowledgeable, intuitive, and extremely professional…”
"Joshua and his team worked so hard to get Acupuncture approved through my insurance. They have always been on top of things, and the care that I get there is great. Joshua has greatly helped me, through acupuncture and herbal management, to help with my Gastroparesis, EDS, and other chronic illnesses. He focuses on multiple symptoms that are bothering me whether that be anxiety joint difficulties. Everyone who works here truly cares about assisting you in finding a healthier more balanced version of yourself. I could not be more thankful for them!"
"Going back about one year ago I was suffering from chronic lower back pain, Joshua did a comprehensive examination and relieved my pain. It was amazing, I walked in stiff and uncomfortable and left feeling fantastic. He is thorough and personable, answering all my questions and concerns. Recently I began suffering from neck pain and after a few visits I have regained mobility and significantly less discomfort. Joshua is a truly gifted practitioner."
"Joshua is a true healer. He helps me with my swollen joints and pain due to Rheumatoid Arthritis. He helps to lessen my perimenopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, tiredness, sleep issues as well as digestive issues. He is a very good listener, gentle, and kind. He genuinely wants his patients to feel better and he will do everything in his power to get you feeling better. Thank you Joshua!"
"Joshua Goldstein is a magical wizard that has put the time and effort into helping me with all of my pregnancy ailments. He knew about my problems through a muscle test before I had a chance to them explain to him. He takes the time every visit to properly give each area and problem the attention it needs. I originally went to him for back pain, he not only has helped that, but also my congestion, anxiety, digestion, and hip pain. I can't thank or recommend him more!!"
“Joshua and his team worked so hard to get Acupuncture approved through my insurance. They have always been on top of things, and the care that I get there is great. Joshua has greatly helped me, through acupuncture and herbal management, to help with my Gastroparesis, EDS, and other chronic illnesses. He focuses on multiple symptoms that are bothering me whether that be anxiety joint difficulties. Everyone who works here truly cares about assisting you in finding a healthier more balanced version of yourself. I could not be more thankful for them!”