Turning to Acupuncture for Stress Relief!
More and more people are turning to Acupuncture for stress relief. Sixty to ninety percent of office visits made to the doctor are stress related. Stress can cause high blood pressure, heart attacks, anxiety, depression, acid reflux, insomnia IBS and headache to name a few of the many conditions caused by stress. The people I work with are sick of taking common anxiety and anti-depressants to treat their condition and this is why people are coming to acupuncture for stress relief. The problem is that there are many side-effects of these medications. Addition, there are STILL many symptoms that fall through the “gaps” in treatment of use of these medications. Many are still having symptoms despite conventional treatment. Here’s why more and more people are turning to acupuncture for stress relief.
Turning to Acupuncture for Stress Relief - 4 Reasons
1. Acupuncture works by releasing your body’s neurotransmitters: Acupuncture works by releasing the body’s neurotransmitters to put the body in a state of calm. The needles signal through the skin to the brain, causing the body to relax.2. Acupuncture effects on stress is cumulative: Many people are surprised to see their progress after several weeks of treatment. Of course, acupuncture has an immediate effect on the body and can bring you to levels of calm that you never thought possible. However, the most profound effects occur after several weeks of acupuncture treatments. You might see subtle signs of not flying off of the handle as much, calmer during your working hours, or coming down from stress quicker than you used to. It trains the body to relax deeper, just as day to day stress causes you to spiral higher and higher into anxiousness or your stress related conditions.3. Targeting tight muscles helps to reduce stress overall: When I see people coming in for anxiety and stress treatments I will ask where that person holds the most stress. Most likely it is in the shoulders, neck, glutes or jaw. If I target that area along with the stress treatment, I get better results because everything is connected. Clearing tight areas help me to get the person to relax better, both physically and mentally.4. Treating the cause of the anxiety yields better results that just doing symptomatic treatment: In addition to treating the stress symptoms, acupuncturists try to find out what your “pattern of disharmony” is. Somewhere in your body, there is one or more organs that are either too hyper or too weak. The stress drives the body to work very hard and eventually slows down from exhaustion. This stress response can always be traced back to an organ system not working well. Treating the organ dysfunction with acupuncture, supplements, herbs, and diet and life style is critical for making any lasting changes to the condition. This is truly how we can make a big difference in the lives of many people that I’ve seen throughout the years.
Andres and his Stress
Here is a typical case that I’ve seen just this summer that shows how people are turning to acupuncture for stress relief. Andres is a 34-year-old man. He actually came to me because his , who is carrying their first baby called to get him help. He needed help with his stress levels. his wife who is expecting their first child. He confided in me that he had zero energy after stepping outside of work. He is a manager and supervises a whole division and he felt the physical and mental effects of brain and body drain. He also told me that his heart races while the demands and fires at work start to pile up he told me that he tosses and turns all night long due to his inability to fall asleep despite feeling tired. He told me that he wanted to reduce his anxiety increase his energy, and stop feeling so tired all the time. He wanted to spend some quality time with his wife and was worried he wouldn’t be able to keep up with his new born child! I used acupuncture to calm his nervous system down so he wasn’t so jittery. I used herbal formulas to help him relax again and gave him some vitamin suggestions to stabilize his energy. He also was given dietary advice on how a few simple changes to his diet could reduce his stress levels. Two months later, Andres couldn’t believe how GOOD he felt again! He had his anxiety levels reduce to only 15 percent. He felt more energy after work, and actually looked forward to getting out with his wife and he even had energy enough to help organize a baby naming party for their child to come. Best of all he didn’t feel like he was so stressed all of the time! He could come down from the work day easily, with the ability to get restorative sleep again.Stop Living Life with no Gas in the Tank!If you think this is unthinkable, Andres results are typically what I see day in and day out for people who follow up with the recommendations and follow up with appropriate treatment.If you too stressed out to even think that you can ever relax again, then you are definitely stressed out. What are the consequences for you if you don’t get your anxiety under control. having some fun again? Well then it is time to get checked and treated. We design personalized programs based on your needs, not in a one-size-fits-all fashion. Find out why people are turning to acupuncture for stress relief.Call now, to get a free “get acquainted” session, worth $99 where we will outline your specific concerns, how you got there and why you are staying there and then I can make gentle, no pressure recommendations to help you start feeling better. Call 201-444-7150, or email me at integrativeacupuncturecenter@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you and helping you! My office is located at 69 West Ridgewood Avenue in Ridgewood NJ.