The 4 Simple Steps to Annihilating and Eliminating your Menstrual Cramps and PMS!
Do you suffer with fatigue, painful menstrual cramps, lower back pain, pelvic pain, bloating or weight gain?The sad news is that most women accept menstrual cramping as a "way of life" and live through their menstrual years not doing anything more than taking oral contrapetives to treat it! Many are told by their gynecologists or family members that this is just a “normal” way of life for women.” Do you find yourself in this situation? Why accept PMS as “normal"? You CAN stop the suffering! By taking specific steps to reducing inflammation you can reduce reduce or even eliminate menstrual cramping!Everyone jokes about “that time of the month again”. In reality, it is not a joking matter. It needs to be seen as an unacceptable situation that can be changed. But you need to take ACTION! Understand that menstrual cramping, and PMS occur due to lack of blood flow to the uterus around menstruation. Poor hormonal changes occurring in your body allow your body to become more prone to inflammation. Your lifestyle choices do affect this!
Wake up to a new pain free you! Follow me as I guide you back into the land of the "living".
When I sit in front of women who come to see me for menstrual cramping and PMS symptoms in my office, they are usually desperate for help and guidance. Maybe you can identify with their plight as your coming to realize you need more help. At my office at Integrative Acupuncture of Paramus, Bergen County NJ, I usually discuss these four, proven methods for reducing eliminating menstrual cramping and PMS symptoms! I will now share them with you.
The 4 simple steps to annihilating and eliminating your menstrual cramps and PMS!
1. Eat like this! Women who have PMS typically have dietary habits that are worse than the standard American diet!!! Simple carbs in the form of bagels, sugary snacks, sweets, and processed foods tend to worsen PMS symptoms. Eating a whole foods diet with minimal intake of sugar, choosing complex carbohydrates, brown rice, beans, and simply cutting out or eliminating sugar, will create positive hormonal changes in your body that reduce inflammation and PMS. Your diet does influence your hormones and so you can start by changing your diet which will in turn shift the hormone balance to become less inflammatory. As I tell my patients, just resolve to start with one change a week. So maybe start reducing sugar, throw out all the white flour breads and cakes, or start eating more whole grain bread. Small starts create big results.
2. Liver detoxification: The liver organ is responsible for the detoxification of the body. Your Liver is needed to clear excess estrogen circulating in the system. Most women retain extra Estrogen in their bodies for many years creating an imbalance between Estrogen and Progesterone. When the estrogen is not broken down adequately in the body, it builds up in the body leading to bad hormonal sates that worsen PMS symptoms! Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, especially green ones which help detoxify the liver. Increase your intake of lemons, simply by cutting up and drinking lemon water, can improve your liver function. Eliminating alcohol and caffeine (or at least reduce your amounts), can have major benefits to your liver function and thus your PMS symptoms.
3. Exercise: Exercising reduces menstrual cramping. But who wants to exercise when they are in pain? I know- but it is the frequency of exercise throughout the month that makes the payoff. Exercise three weeks out of four and watch the changes occur. There are three critical points about exercise that you should know.
Aerobic training (walking, jogging, swimming, cycling) seem to be more effective at reducing PMS symptoms than strength training (lifting weights). Frequency, not intensity of exercises decreased rating of specific menstrual stressors. Regularity! Regular exercising show improvement in mental, physical, and emotional aspects including anxiety, fear, guilt, and hostility. So walking or running is a great option for changing the PMS picture.
4. Acupuncture: Acupuncture directly increases and enhances the blood flow to the uterus. By increasing blood flow, the uterus can get much needed oxygen and therefore don’t cramp or bloat! Acupuncture is drug free, safe, and virtually pain free when performed by a qualified licensed acupuncturist (Goto to search for a qualified acupuncturist). Acupuncture points send signals to the brain, which in turn send signals to the affected part, in this case the uterus. Additionally, acupuncture has a wonderful relaxing quality that is needed in heightened states of agitation caused by menstrual cramping and PMS, including anger, depression or anxiety and helps you feel more centered and more rejuvenated physically and emotionally. If you have never tried acupuncture for this, consider using acupuncture for your cramps. You could only be a needle away from pain!
Want more help? I would like to give you a chance to get to know me and to find out how acupuncture can be of help to you. Call and schedule your "get acquainted" consultation and evaluation today! I would like to give you a chance to get to know me and to find out how acupuncture can be of help to you. If you are ready to take control of your health and your life now, call (201) 444-7150. I am never too busy to help you with your healthcare needs today! I am never too busy to help you with your healthcare needs.
To learn more about acupuncture, I have created an e-book that you can download for free. In it it describes what acupuncture is and some of the underlying principles upon which it is based. Click here