Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture
Did you know there are surprising benefits of acupuncture?-Why should I go to an acupuncturist if I am not in pain? So many people do not even consider acupuncture until they are in severe pain. Even then acupuncture is still considered "weird" and "out there". So many times, when I am out and about, and when asked what kind of work I do, there is either stunning silence, a word of pity, or if they haven’t checked out with that answer, they might ask “Why should I get acupuncture, if I am not in pain? There are four surprising benefits of acupuncture that many are not even aware of.Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture #1: Stop the Energy Drain: Are you always having feelings of tiredness and fatigue? For some, it hits harder than others, but everyone whom I talk to are all dealing with. Are you having difficulty getting through your day? Do you rely on stimulants like coffee, red bulls and energy drinks to help you avoid the mid-day slump? Do you feel so tired when you get home that you feel just “drained” from the day to day grind? Do you feel less motivated to exercise, take day trips, and run errands after work, because you are feeling tired? Does the phrase “push through it?” sing a melody in your ears all day? If you answered YES to any of these questions, you are dealing with a drain on your energy!Let’s face it, the day to day grind requires energy. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have the energy we used to. Sure, we can use uppers or caffeine or be in denial, or just chalk it up to “getting old”, but whether you rely on stimulants or rationalizations, it doesn’t effectively treat the root of the problem. Since movement and work “costs” you energy, how can you replenish it, when even sleep doesn’t seem to cure the entire picture?Chinese medicine has been providing treatments for energy for over 2000 years. Acupuncture releases endorphins which get depleted during stress. Your brain can only take so much until you start to succumb to stress. This results in energy drain! Just like a wear and tear shows on the car with prolonged use, your body’s different organ systems show wear and tear as well. It may be subtle enough not to be a problem that requires you to go to the ER, but it definitely will start to negatively impact on your day to day health and your quality of life. Acupuncture can be used to strengthen your nervous system by releasing, and taking Chinese herbs to strengthen and tone your nervous system so you can start to restore lost reserves of energy and re-capture your quality of life.Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture #2: Remove your CHRONIC aches and pains: Most people see a physical therapist when pain is so crippling that it affects their daily living. But before things get that bad, there is a chronic and silent stiffening of muscles as the muscles you use over and over, gets tighter and stiffer. Eventually, a tweak or twist will occur, causing these tight muscles to revolt in pain! Acupuncture and cupping helps to remove aches and nagging tightness in your muscles! Muscle aches and pains sideline you from that run you used to love. Instead of muscles being strong and supple, tight muscles can become like a clam shell, causing you to walk in a tight and rigid body. This “tight shell” becomes a prison that prevents you from moving freely again! You don’t have to be crippled to start taking care of yourself and relaxing your tight muscles.Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture #3: Stress Reduction: Acupuncture releases endorphins, which helps drop you into a deep state of relaxation, similar to the effects of meditation. Inserting needles in specific patterns help you to strengthen your relaxation response. Fatigue, lowered immunity, headaches, insomnia, heart attacks, upset stomach, IBS are only some of the conditions that occur as a result of stress.Our society is fast paced and does not allow for rest, relaxation, and recharge time. Getting acupuncture and using Chinese herbs to relax your tense mind and to restore your relaxation system is so helpful in getting your body what it needs. Punctuating periods of activity, with deep restorative relaxation, is the key to recharging and restoring your body, so you don’t feel as tired, and you don’t age so quickly.Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture #4: Reduce your Anxiety Depression and Sleep!: Let’s face it, the endless “to-do” lists and work, can push us beyond our limit and then some! For many, this translates into increased feelings of anxiety or depression and affects our sleep. Forty-five percent of Americans say that poor or insufficient sleep affected their daily activities at least once in the past seven days, according to the National Sleep Foundation’s inaugural Sleep Health Index™. The Sleep Health Index™ is a new annual general population poll that tracks Americans’ sleep behaviors and trends. The Index uncovers valuable insights into Americans’ sleep beliefs, habits, knowledge and disorders and demonstrates areas for sleep health improvement. Do you consign yourself to a life of sleeplessness, anxiety, or depression? Do your medications take care of all your symptoms? What if you could eliminate the left-over symptoms of your anxiety and depression or sleep better? Insomnia, anxiety, and depression are treatable with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. They try to correct these symptoms by restoring the balance in your body. problems manifesting in your body. If you are too hyperactive, treatments and supplements can help you calm down. If you are too lethargic, then treatment is aimed at “spicing you up” so you can function again. If you are taking medication for these conditions, there usually is a gap between where you want to be and the symptoms that you are (still) having! It can mean the difference of quality of life and further health problems if not addressed properly. Do you want to feel more grounded, relaxed and happy? How valuable would you find that to your current state of being?
Taking care of yourself in this way requires you to be proactive about your health. The thing is, if you eat right, watch your diet, exercise and adopt a healthy lifestyle, using acupuncture to help you maintain your quality of health is simply an extension of this. The problem is, no one ever was told to look past the symptoms. Once you start feeling this good, you don’t want to go back.I treated Tracy. She was a mother of two young girls. She was suffering from terrible anxiety because her ex has been taking her to court over and over again for small things in the initial settlement agreement. Understandably, she was upset. But she developed such terrible anxiety she thought she was going “crazy” and felt “out of control”. With the proper acupuncture treatment and herbal combination, she stated that “this is the first time in 3 years that I kind of feel like myself”. It was a gratifying moment for me to hear these words and to see the results of the work we were doing together.Would you like to see if acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you with your day to day grind? Call me and we can schedule a no pressure consultation (use promo code FREE CONSULT101) and we can outline what we can do! If so, what are you waiting for. Remember, acupuncture has all sorts of benefits waiting for you. Start feeling better today! Call me at 201-444-7150.