Stress Reduction Acupuncture SHU Treatments
Stress reduction acupuncture SHU treatment are helping people, just like you, SHU Your stress Away! Stress reduction acupuncture is the newest trend in the acupuncture. Many are finding value in getting acupuncture to maintain their energy, not just treat for pain. We are helping Bergen County residents reduce their stress and reduce the "drain" of the daily grind using a special acupuncture stress reduction SHU treatment. Stress reduction acupuncture SHU treatments utilize specific acupuncture points on the body called “Shu”points that help to calm and reduce anxiety? Stress reduction acupuncture SHU treatments make use of special points on your back called SHU points. SHU points, mean transport points in Chinese. Transport points refer to specific acupuncture points, located on your back, that have a direct connection to your organs and can strengthen your organs such as your heart, lungs, intestines, and liver. By utilizing the incredible effects of these points, you can realize more energy, reduce your stress and enhance your calm! These acupuncture points are called the Back “SHU”, or back “transport” points. They transport impulses or energy directly into the organs for a strengthening treatment. The back “transport” points are renowned for their ability to strengthen your nervous system so you can start to retrain yourself to relax. SHU, or transport points, have two pathways that travel up and down your back. The inner pathway is located an inch away from the spine and an outer branch is located 3 inches away from the spine along the back muscles of the neck, mid-back and lower back. Specific points over the inner line, have a very rejuvenating effect on the body. The outer line is specially reserved to deal with mental tension, stress, and emotional angst. Think of the outer line as the “relaxation spur” of your "human parkway", while the inner line strengthens your organs of your body. Using any combination of acupuncture points from both lines, help to simultaneously strengthen your body as well as relax it. In this way, Shu-Transport points help to literally “SHU” your stress away! It helps you to re-calibrate the body and produce a deep feeling of relaxation and renewal.
Stress Reduction Acupuncture SHU treatments have been getting more and more attention for 4 reasons.The 4 Benefits of SHU-Transport Points1- REDUCES STRESS BOOSTS ENERGY: Many people are just stressed! They are tired! They want to feel better. These points have a very balancing effect on the body. Stress reduction acupuncture SHU treatments help to relax but also energize, because many who are exhausted have bodies that cannot tolerate lots of circulation to their body because they leave acupuncture feeling too tired and relaxed. With this method, people leave feeling relaxed but energized at the same time.2-NON-PAINFUL: Many people are afraid of needles. Needling these points on the back of the body, cause little to no pain and so people can tolerate the stress reduction SHU treatments. Since the points are on your back, you can’t see them. Even the needle phobic patients like this treatment because they feel little or no discomfort. Since there fewer nerve endings and thus less if any discomforting sensations on the body.3-REDUCES PAIN AND ACHES IN MUSCLES: Many people are looking for relief from their aches and pains and feel less stressed. The acupuncture stress reduction SHU treatment helps to treat pain in the back neck and shoulders AND helping to relax the patient as well. People love that the pain relief and the relaxation of the back-SHU transport points can be combined in this way!4- DRUG- FREE ALL NATURAL: Many people are looking for help with their anxiety, depression, and just generalized stress. They are turning to more drug-free, and natural approaches to help them. Acupuncture is a drug-less, pain-free way of addressing these needs and helping people re-discover how good it feels to feel better again. The acupuncture stress reduction SHU treatment is helping to fit the bill.I treated a very stressed out physical trainer. She had early hours in the gym, with demanding clients. She has two daughters, one who needs a lot of extra help with because she is struggling in school. She is also going through hot flashes and feels exhausted. We treat her with acupuncture stress reduction acupuncture SHU treatments to boost her energy, help her with her poor concentration, hot flashes and her frustration. The treatments are well received by her body. She leaves feeling more energized, more composed, and happy.If you are looking to get a better handle on your stress or anxiety, then you’ll want to check put how good you can feel with stress reduction acupuncture SHU treatment! We are never too busy to talk to you. Call us today and find out more at 201-444-7150.