Sciatica Cure!
If you live in the Bergen county area and are looking for a sciatica cure, I’m really glad you’re reading this right now. In my Bergen County acupuncture practice, I have many people overcome sciatica pain, using all-natural methods.Sciatica pain is no laughing matter and costs you time and loss of quality of life.Sciatica is a condition where your back pain radiates down the side of your leg because of compression to the sciatic nerve pathway that is located there. It can be terribly limiting and will affect your day to day activities. Learn how acupuncture can help stop sciatica pain and be a useful sciatica cure
- Increases Blood circulation: By increasing blood circulation to the muscles in your lower back and leg, acupuncture can address the muscle tightness and pain associated with sciatica. There is strip of muscles on the side of your thigh, called the “ITB”, or Iliotibial band. This band of muscles helps you move your leg and helps guide it better. When you have sciatica, this area becomes tight and painful, particularly in the upper thigh area, which is where the sciatica nerve “lives”.
- Reduces Nerve irritation: For sufferers of sciatica, this is the cause of the sciatica. The sciatic nerve runs through the side of your hip and when inflamed and irritated, can cause the characteristic shooting pain down your leg. Acupuncture reduces this nerve irritation so you will feel less and less pain. Eventually, when this nerve is “quieted” down, your sciatic nerve will not be inflamed and so you will not feel any more of this pain.
- Increases range of motion: Sciatica sufferers cannot extend or lift their leg or extend it outward to the side of the body, because it evokes a pain reaction due to the nerve irritation and the muscle tightness. By reducing these sources of pain, your range of motion will once again increase.
Looking for a sciatica cure? Acupuncture has been used safely and effectively for over 2000 years to treat pain conditions naturally and without side effects.Want more help? I would like to give you a chance to get to know me and to find out how acupuncture can be of help to you. Schedule your ”get acquainted” consultation and evaluation today. If you are ready to take control of your health and your life now, call (201) 444-7150 or email. I am never too busy to help you with your healthcare needs