Individualized Treatment of Anxiety with Acupuncture
Individualized treatment of Anxiety with Acupuncture is really the key to making acupuncture work for reducing, controlling and even eliminating anxiety. Acupuncture is know for reducing anxiety, but identifying different types of anxiety and then matching the anxiety personality to the treatment makes the treatment all the more effective.
There are three main types of anxious people that present to us when they come in seeking help from the anxiety symptoms that plague them.
Working with the Three Types of Anxious People
1-Anxious and Stressed: These type of people feel waves of constant anxiety.
This type of person is simply “jittery”, fearful, anxious, and uncertain. Their life is lived in a big question mark. Nothing about their life is certain. Even mundane tasks take on epic life or death consequences in their mind. To much laughter or even a simple compliment can trigger a fear mechanism.
Giving this person faith in something, stability, constancy in their life will help them feel anchored and more sure of themselves. Things won't look so “life or death” and they can free themselves of their dire predicament.
Other symptoms can be seen such as constant worry, jitteriness, trouble falling asleep, constant overthinking, eating very little, and a drive to keep moving and doing things, propelled by the fear of doing it wrong and incurring the wrath of the universe! These people are more prone to vasospasms of the heart and frequently feel cold and have poor circulation to their extremities. Working with blood flow to the heart and steadying the beat will help them relax and feel more centered.
Obsessive thinking: These types keep going round and round in their heads with repetitive thoughts for some and behaviors for others. They have these tapes compelling them to repeat intrusive thoughts over and over. This is a variant of the anxiety type as they are locked into specific obsessions or repetitive thought patterns that drive them with a nervous energy.
2- Frustrated and Angry: These types of anxious people come in on a spectrum either flaming “angry” about life, arguing a lot, and generally “unhinged” when pressed into a corner. Or these types are generally “cranky” , antagonistic, berating, and feel an “edge” just below the surface. If things aren't a certain “way”, they can feel upset and try and impose the correct way to do things. These people are always putting out ”fires" and managing crises. They have stretched themselves beyond endurance and cannot find the balance to snap back. With the little energy that they have, they “flame” out of control like fireflies in the summer night, and then peter out until the next round of stress jerks them into a reaction.
When a person is in a chronic “fight-or-flight” mode, their body springs to attention to take care of an impending threat. Over work, too many responsibilities cause their body to look for what is “wrong” rather than what is “right”. These types need to be calmed down and given some energy so they will relax their defenses and allow themselves to partake in life more fully. Unless treated these types are locked into states of negativity, frustration and constant response of “can't”. With this type of person we have to interrupt the negativity cycle by providing a level of calm that will suck out the negativity in this patient. Additionally, this type of patient needs some energy so he or she can utilize this energy to help feel more relaxed .
These types of people usually suffer from depression, overeating, fatigue, headaches, digestive disturbances, elimination disturbances and sleep disturbances and feel the need to isolate themselves in order to control themselves by removing themselves from people. There is a lot of muscle tightness in the shoulders and neck.
3- Burned out and Tired- For these type of people giving them energy, rehabilitating their nervous system is a slow process but can be done with adequate herbal, nutritional dietary, and lifestyle changes. These hormones need to be restored so that he or she feels less anxiety, more energy, less mental and physical lethargy.
He or she may have been experiencing the fight-or-flight response for many years and finally the body has gotten worn out. Fatigue, listlessness, lacking motivation, feel blue all the time. Introverted. Not wanting to go out and experience life becomes the norm.
Treating Anxiety using an Individualized Strategy for Each Anxious Type:
Treating each individual must take into account their unique personalities to get the treatment to fit that patient.
Acupuncture isn't just routinely sticking in needles into someone and praying that you get an effect.
There are acupuncture points that are used to calm anxious energy, reducing anger, and centering patients as well as restoring energy reserves so that they feel more grounded.
We do this by not only sizing up the patient's personality but by diagnosing your body by hands-on methods, passed on for generations. Hands on methods to help create an individualized treatment of anxiety and acupuncture which includes, looking at your complexion, checking specific pules position and feeling specific wave forms or shapes that are felt at the different positions, looking at your tongue color and shape of your tongue. Examining under the eyes for tell-tale signs as well as examining the discolorations and bumps that can form in your ears. Each one of these examinations builds up a picture of what it is your body needs so it can get better. In this way an individualized treatment of anxiety with acupuncture can better hone in on what you need to get you the best results.
Do you want more help with your particular issue? Call now to speak with me or come in for a non-pressure consultation and evaluation where we can identify your weak link and make recommendations for helping you feel better. My Acupuncture office is located in Ridgewood, NJ. Call me at 201-444-7150 to see if you can benefit from treatment. Or email me at I look forward to connecting.
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