Acupuncture in Bergen County, Ridgewood, NJ - 3 Essentials for Getting Good Acupuncture Treatments
If you are considering acupuncture in Bergen County, Ridgewood, NJ, there are 3 essentials for getting good acupuncture treatments.Essential #1: Good Rapport with the Acupuncturist For people interested in Acupuncture in Bergen County, Ridgewood, NJ, it is also important to have a good rapport with the acupuncturist. Acupuncturists come in all shapes and sizes. Some are more introverts and others are more extroverts. In either case, it is important that the patient feels a sense of rapport with the acupuncturist. It starts with trust. Even in very difficult cases where the acupuncturist is not successful, most patients will appreciate the fact that they had a good rapport with the acupuncturist and that he or she was doing their best to help treat them.Essential #2: Ability to Explain Acupuncture and its Related Techniques So Your Head Doesn’t Spin!Finally, it is important to have an acupuncturist be able to explain acupuncture and its related techniques so your head doesn’t spin. Explaining acupuncture and Chinese medicine in a clear and concise way that is understandable to the patient takes a lot out of the guesswork and the initial “leap of faith” that many new to acupuncture must take in order to experience a good acupuncture session. Good explanation of certain techniques described in understandable ways help make the process of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in a familiar context that is not so foreign and easily understandable by the patient. This helps with compliance and getting the results that people want.For example, Acupuncture is a method of healing that increases the blood flow to different areas and organs of the body. In doing so it brings red blood cells, and substance P among other substances that help heal a body part, or enhance the function of a specific organ. Acupuncture also sends signals to the midbrain which then acts to shut down pain sensations. Acupuncture prods and pushes the body to make the corrections it needs utilizing its own natural abilities to heal itself.This is the example I tell patients when they come into my office. It is a short succinct way to explain things that actually do happen with acupuncture. It is explained straight forward in an easy language that anyone can grasp. It is this type of education that patient immediately appreciates, even if they are skeptical about the results.Essential #3: Experience in Working with Different SituationsSome people are needle phobic? Others are in so much back pain that they cannot lay on their stomach to get needles. So what do you do next? What are you going to do next when the "perfect" treatment is not getting the results that you are working towards? That is when the experience kicks in. It is knowing how to shift and do something different, (but the right "something") that will make the treatments work for the patient. It is the hard learned experience that comes from practicing the medicine that transforms the "average" acupuncturist into a great acupuncturist. That translates into better outcomes for you the patient.The Integrative Acupuncture Center located in Bergen County, in Ridgewood NJ has been using acupuncture, cupping, and Chinese herbs and vitamins to help people with pain conditions, stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia for over 10 years. Practitioner, Joshua Goldstein, is New Jersey and New York licensed and has been practicing Chinese medicine for over 18 years. We take pride in our individualized care of patients.If you have an issue that you’d like to get help with we are never too busy to help you. Pick up the phone and call us at 201-444-7150 or email us at