Stress Reduction Ear Acupuncture Treatment!
Stress Reduction Ear Acupuncture Treatment!After the holidays, stress reduction is needed by all! Many feel exhausted, fatigued and many struggle with anxiety and depression. There are several reasons why.Holidays are a time of over-indulgence- the food, the drinks, all that extra food-and why not, it's time for celebration! Additionally, the holidays have nail-biting deadlines at work and at home, and the experience can feel simply overwhelming. With commitments at work, family, holiday prep, basically you are faced with demands from every side during the holidays. It is actually hard NOT to feel overwhelmed! The routines that you love or hate, are disrupted. Kid’s home from school, irregular work schedules, special arrangements that need to be worked out and important matters are left alone for awhile but still hang over you.After the holidays, psychologists talk of a “holiday blues”. It's thst feeling you feel after the letdown from all the stimulation and the activity.It is not simply living out of balance but a plight of epidemic proportions felt in western cultures. Holidays used to capture the simplicity and stillness of being with family and loved ones. It should be about creating simple time spent together, while creating fun, energizing and lovely memories. However, buying frenzies has taken over many of these sacred times of the holiday season. A survey commissioned by the American Psychological Association, found that the three top holiday stressors are lack of time, lack of money, and commercialism or hype.The worst thing that holiday stress can do is take a toll on your health. So what can you do? Where can you turn? We still have a dark winter ahead! Many people have never considered using acupuncture, but it’s restorative properties are definitely worth taking a second look at! But how can acupuncture help you get back on track? Isn’t acupuncture just good for lower back pain? That's where the Stress Reduction Ear Acupuncture Treatment comes in!Few know that acupuncture can flood the body with endorphins, which in turn release stress reducing chemicals in your brain and body. Putting your body into relaxation response mode, helps your body cope with stress better and reduces anxiety and depression. Additionally, acupuncture increases blood flow to tight rigid muscles thereby relaxing them!What we have put together here at Integrative Acupuncture Center, located in Ridgewood New Jersey, is to create the "Get Your Stress Reduction Ear Acupuncture Treatment" to give you relief from the holiday blues. The treatment de-stresses your mind and body. Acupuncture excels in relaxing your body. It helps you to rejuvenate, and re-connect to the genuine parts of yourself that gets lost in the sea of worry, anxiety, and fatigue.To help foster this, I use a 5-point acupuncture "de-stress" technique, with most points in the ear. Ear acupuncture affects the entire body through the nerve connections that connect the ear to the brain and then to the nerves that connect from the brain to the rest of the body. Here is the breakdown of the stress reduction ear acupuncture treatment!We put 2 points in the left ear and two in the right ear. Each point is a potent relaxation but their synergy in unison, creates an effect where the whole is more powerful than the individual parts and most relaxing!Ear Shen men or “Spirit Gate”, is a point found in the corner of the triangle fossa in the upper ear. It’s use is to calm the body.The Liver point, also a strong point in relaxing your spirit, as well as detoxifying your liver.
Sympathetic point is a point in the ear that rebalances the “fight or flight” response or the sympathetic part of your nervous system and the “rest-and-digest” response, re-balancing the sympathetic, or arousal part of the nervous system and the para-sympathetic, or relaxation part, of the nervous system. So if you have anxiety, palpitations, sweat, or other physical symptoms, this is the point to use.Point zero is the third point found in the ear. It is found directly in the center of the ear on the helix crux (see diagram below). It is good for releasing stagnant, stuck emotions, Grief is associated with restriction in the chest, but any emotional can potentially affect proper diaphragmatic breathing. Point zero directly affects the chest area and promotes deep, restful breathing and opens up the chest.The last point is Yintang or “Hall of Impression”point, found between the eyes. Yintang directly influences the centering and calming of the body.
The best thing of all, is that there are no drugs or medicine pumped into your body. By using the stress reduction ear acupuncture treatment you get signals to your brain that help your body to relax itself! Discover for yourself what thousands of Americans are using to help them relax!For those of you searching for help from your anxiety, depression, stress and fatigue, trying the stress reduction ear acupuncture treatment can be a welcome relief! We are making it real easy for you to come in, by offering a one-time introductory treatment for your stress, using the 5 needle stress reduction ear acupuncture treatment technique listed above.How Do I Take Advantage of This Offer?!Call us! You can experience the stress reduction ear acupuncture treatment for up to a half hour session. The cost is half off our normal rate, $40, a session. When you arrive, be prepared to fill out a small form, and have a 15 minute discussion with our acupuncturist to go over some particulars, and off you go to your treatment. You will either be laying on a massage table or sitting in a chair. The table or chair will be chosen based upon availability of the rooms at the time of service in our office. Times are subject to availability so we recommend scheduling your session in advanced. The session lasts from 30 to 40 minutes. This is a one time treatment offer and cannot be combined with any insurance coverage you may have. We do take check or credit cards for your convenience. Call us today to start feeling less stressed. You can call us at 201-444-7150 or at We are never to busy to help you. Why not discover for yourself and experience what acupuncture can do for you! I look forward to hearing from you!