3 Reasons Why Anxious People Quit Acupuncture -For Residents of Bergen County NJ

Woman smilingDid you know that most anxious people are desperate for some relief from their anxiety but there are 3 reasons why anxious people quit acupuncture- for residents of Bergen County NJ? They are looking for a way out of their anxiousness and just want it to end. This is when they call me, an acupuncturist. They are reaching out to what they view as the “treatment of last resort”. After trying many techniques, therapy, medication, diet and the like, they get upset about taking it so long. The expectation are extremely high and unrealistic for a single treatment to “cure” the condition. Many, as a result, walk away, feeling disappointed of a single treatment remedy.  But it is it is important to explain, as I do, to my patients what to expect. I’ve outlined 3 reasons why anxious people quit acupuncture in the hopes of enlightening you about how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help your anxiety.Why Anxious People Quit Acupuncture- Reason #1- Extremely High Expectations:Acupuncture is such a powerful modality because it reaches deep into the parasympathetic nervous system, the part associated with rest and relaxation and it helps to relax the body. However, the results from one single treatment does not last forever. You tend to “pop” back into your anxiety! Using acupuncture regularly on the other hand, over time, helps to reduce anxiety and de-stress. I have seen time and time again, the long-term effects of acupuncture help to minimize the intensity of stress. For example, very stressed people on their first visit, cannot sit for 35 – minutes, the length of an average treatment. The table paper starts crinkling, as the restlessness creeps in. In these cases, I usually end the session 5-minutes earlier, and let them finish on a “win”. By the 5th session for example, many are asking me if the session is really over, in disbelief, as they realize that they are able to rest for so long. Many ask for an additional 10-minutes.  The truth is, if you are experiencing anxiety, one session, may help you feel relaxed, but the long-term benefit, builds up over time. Be prepared to make acupuncture part of your staple as you would say exercise and or yoga. Many people find that the relaxation will rub off and they will perceive that they are calmer overall. Discussing the frequency of acupuncture with your practitioner will better help you as well as experiencing acupuncture for your anxiety for yourself, will help you better understand how often you need to go.Why Anxious People Quit Acupuncture- Reason #2- Life style changes will help you get better benefits from your treatments!There are  a lot of factors that go into the anxiety. So adding destressing moments in your day will help you reap better benefits from your acupuncture sessions. Many people are on “go” all of the time. Lot’s to do , little time to do it. The truth is, anxious people are capable of a lot of activity, but need to incorporate more sleep, more rest, more breathing techniques into their regimen.To do this you need to resist the ability to over schedule yourself. To do this, see where in your day, you start to get pushed to the brink. That is the time to add in a still moment or to schedule less. Sure go out, but come home and destress for 10 minutes if possible. Additionally, scheduling a small passive activity and the ability to force a STOP in your day, even for 10 minutes, can have huge payoffs. Thirdly, adding in a breathing exercise, for 5 to 10 minutes will help you in you quest for calm. There are a lot of resources out there such as guided meditation CD’s, Qi gong classes, Yoga, or even just playing relaxing music will help. Adding a “pit stop”, and a quiet “oasis” to help you soothe your racing mind will help your sessions tremendously. Because at the heart of it is changing some of the patterns that are causing you to be stressed and feeling anxious in the first place.Even just examining what you are saying to yourself on a daily basis and setting an intention at the beginning of your day to return to calm and take things in stride, no matter how stressed you feel, will help you to navigate away from your habituated levels of stress and start to allow you to get more in control of your thoughts and thus your anxiety.

  1. Why Anxious People Quit Acupuncture- Reason #3- Under Utlizing your Acupuncturist: Many acupuncturists utilize vitamins and Chinese herbs to help people de-stress. The vitamins and herbs can be very tailored to your type of anxiety and how it manifests in you. Did you know that not all anxiety is the same? Some need serious de-stressing others need strengthening treatments to re-structure their battered nervous systems. Still others need blood moving treatments to get more blood flow to the heart and mind so they don’t feel that suffocating feeling in your chest. Still others need “de-congesting” treatments to move sluggish lymph flow throughout the body. How we do this is to uncover the “pattern of dis-harmony”, a term we use to differentiate the root cause of anxiety. One we understand the underlying pattern, we can select the correct acupuncture points as well as the correct vitamins and herbs that remedy the situation. In this way, a very customized, and detailed treatment is formed to help you deal with your specific cause of anxiety.

Did you know that some herbs can be taken at different times than your anxiety medication, so as not to interfere with the medications? Did you also know that many herbal companies ascribe to GMP o good manufacturing practices which include self-checking under lab conditions the purity for their products so they can genuinely set themselves apart from any possible adulteration and ensure purity of product?With the emphasis on utilizing more natural methods, acupuncture and Chinese medicine should be considered and re-considered for the treatment of your anxiety. Finding the right practitioner can make the difference in the quality of your life. If you are suffering from anxiety and or stressed. Stop suffering, give me a call and we can speak about how you can be helped. Call now, because the sooner you do, the quicker you will start your path to help you gain control over the stress and anxiety that is affecting you. You can call me at 201-444-7150 or email me at integrativeacupuncturecenter@gmail.com 


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