The 3 Methods of Acupuncture near Ramsey, NJ
If you are looking for acupuncture near Ramsey, NJ, you should be aware of the 3 methods of acupuncture that can be used to utilize to achieve your health goals.The ultimate aim of acupuncture is to restore the body back to functional health. Utilizing the 3 methods of acupuncture, you can feel better again!
- Acupuncture: Acupuncture works to help prod your body into self-correcting itself. Acupuncture needles send subtle signals to the brain and to the different organs of the body. This, in turn, sends nerve signals to affect the body, which helps increase blood flow to tight muscles to relax them. Acupuncture also releases increased endorphins. This improves digestion, enhances sleep, and makes you feel deeply relaxed. Lastly, it releases enkephalins, a pain relieving substance that helps to reduce chronic pain. One of the great things about acupuncture is that you can use it to work on different areas at a time.
- Cupping: Cupping is an ancient technique used to relax tight and spastic muscles. Cupping uses a specialized glass cup that creates a seal and suction on the skin, mainly in the neck or back area. The pressure helps pull fresh blood into the tight areas of muscle spasms and pulls out waste from the muscles. Cupping is a great add on or can be used separate from acupuncture.
- Chinese Herbal Formula: Chinese herbal combining formula is a way to help boost your energy, soothe your anxiety, better your sleep, help your hormones and make you feel better. Herbs are restorative and drug free. We only use herbal products that ascribe to good manufacturing practices, which means the herbs are pure and verified pure by the ethical herbal companies. Herbs can help you whether you are taking them on their own or are taking medication and want additional help. Many who self-prescribe herbal formulas get poor results because they cannot correctly match the formula to their symptoms. Often times the formula will also change because it needs to be matched very specifically with the person changing condition. Therefore, to get the most benefit, Chinese herbs need to be used under the guidance of a trained Chinese herbalist.
If you are near Ramsey, NJ, the 3 methods of acupuncture have helped many others feel their best! If you are a newbie to acupuncture or you have been to an acupuncturist before and looking to try again, call Integrative Acupuncture Center today at 201-444-7150 for a no hassle consultation, where we can review the particulars of your problem and see if acupuncture and its related therapies are the right fit for you. You can email us at and get the help you are looking for. We are never too busy to serve you. We look forward to hearing from you.